Gib has questioned everything since he was old enough to speak, so it’s no wonder his Soul Gifts are Divine Communication and Divine Truth. From birth, he faced adversity through some challenging health issues, so he took great interest in spirituality and alternative healing methods through the help of his mom, Tatum. He collected crystals and gemstones as a child, and today he enjoys connecting with his Spirit Guides through Oracle Readings for himself and others. Gib developed a fascination with Egypt when he began having past life memories of his lifetimes there, which eventually led him to his passion for writing and the desire to read the Akashic Records.

He decided to follow his mother’s footsteps and is now a Certified Level I Soul Realignment Practitioner, working as an apprentice at Akashic Alchemy, consulting with Tatum. He offers Akashic Record Readings ($111) as well as Property Readings/Clearing ($55).

Akashic Apprentice/ Gib